Price list
Prices can be adjusted at times and subject to availability. We do offer specials at times and discounts for regular clients. Ask us about our membership card and discounts for referrals and bringing in a friend with you. Payments are to be made prior to session start. We do not offer extras in the room and all sessions are packaged according to prices below.
Enjoy These sessions in our WET ROOM. Two beautifully appointed wet rooms available.
Or our Spa Room for up to 3 people.
Wellness sessions include soft stimulation and are performed with very light soft fabric encapsulating her body or you can request her to be nude. These sessions can include the similar erotic services outlined in the body to body erotic sessions and will be priced the same.
1 Hr Wellness Sessions are priced at $200 and performed on a massage table.
SUKEBE Chair, Tantra Chair, Sultans Chair allows you to be caressed in a special lap dance style bodyworks. All Sessions can include some time on any of these Chairs, to assist with breaking up the session in different positions and can be added to any session at no extra charge. .
Wet Room Sessions are of no extra cost. Jet Spa sessions are at no extra cost. Please advise if you would like to have the session conducted in wet room or with a spa or with a special chair.
1hr 45min 30min
Bikini Body $180 $150 $120
A beautiful, sensual body to body nude bodywork and is Non erotic
Red $250 $200 $150
Erotic body to body finishing with hand relief
Mutual Red $300 $250 $200
Red combined with the pleasure of caressing your goddess and stimulating her g spot with your fingers
Red Oral $320 $270 $220
Nuru finishing with oral stimulation and release
Red Mutual Oral $380 $310 $240
Red Oral combined with the pleasure of touching your goddess and pleasing her orally
Blue $300 $250 $200
erotic bodywork combined with tantalizing tantric positions such as Yab Yam and Cobra, finishing in hand relief.
Mutual Blue $350 $300 $250
Blue combined with the pleasure of touching your goddess and stimulating her g spot with your fingers
Blue Oral $350 $300 $250
Blue finishing with oral stimulation and release
Blue Mutual Oral $400 $350 $300
Blue Oral combined with the pleasure of touching your goddess and pleasing her orally
Black $350 $300 $250
Bodywork combined with simulation of high levels of sexual positions and postures. Very intimate
Mutual Black $380 $310 $240
Black combined with the pleasure of touching your goddess and stimulating her g spot with you fingers
Black Oral $400 $350 $300
Nuru Black finishing with oral stimulation and release
Black Mutual Oral $420 $370 $320
Black Oral combined with the pleasure of touching your goddess and pleasing her orally
Couple 1 $250 1.5hr
instructional session only where you can do any session with the practitioner instructing you on one another only.
Couple 2 $350 1.5Hr
Instruction and Demonstrational participation including involvement of both of you on one another for educational purposes only.
Couple 3 POA
Participation only. For erotic participation only including the participation of both of you on one another.
Body To Body Erotic
In the style that you choose
Full Service
In the style that you choose
1Hr 45Min 30 min
Full Service Red $420 $350 $250
Full service + Bodywork in the style you choose finishing in sexual ecstasy
Full Service Blue $500 $420 $300
Full service + bodywork, Cobra, Yab Yum, body to body, Oral finishing in sexual ecstasy in the style you choose
Full Service Black $550 $460 $350
Several Different Postures and Positions, Oral Mutual, Finishing in Sexual Ecstacy in style that you choose
DOUBLE 4 Hand Sessions
1Hr 45Min 30min
Double Goddess $375 $300 $225
4 Hand Double Goddess 4 hand with genital stimulation
Double Goddess Mutual $480 $375 $270
Double Goddess Red combined with the pleasure of touching both your goddesses intimately
Double Goddess Oral $480 $375 $270
Double Goddess finishing with oral stimulation and release
Dble Goddess Mutual Oral $570 $440 $300
Double Goddes Red Oral combined with the pleasure of pleasing your goddesses orally
4 hand Full Service $620 $525 $375
Double Goddess inclusive of all services and ending with a blissful sexual experience with one of the goddesses
4 Hand Black $690 $525 $490
Double Goddess inclusive of mutual oral and full service with both girls.
Giesha Doll Experience!!
Please ask our lovely practitioners for pricing and more Information.
Special Bodywork
In the style that you choose
ST David Street.
FITZROY, Melbourne
1.5km from CBD
Tel: (03) 9415 7762
MOB(sms only): 0459 944 808